The terms and conditions in this TERMS OF USE comprise the entire agreement between the user and Freecracy Vietnam Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as freeC) regarding the use of the freeC.asia website (hereinafter referred to as freeC.asia) freeC website, and as such, these terms and conditions represent the user's and freeC's (hereinafter referred to as freeC) entire understanding (hereafter referred to as freeC). The terms and conditions of the TERMS OF USE shall be governed by, construed in accordance with, and enforced in accordance with Vietnamese law, and shall only be subject to the authority of Vietnamese courts. freeC advises users to consult the TERMS OF USE page every time they access the platform because it retains the right to change these terms and conditions of use without prior notification. By using the platform, the user agrees that they accept the terms and conditions outlined in this TERMS OF USE. Please email us at support@freec.asia with any queries the user may have regarding this agreement.


The freeC website is made available to users so they can utilize it for job searching and recruitment. To guarantee the accuracy of the information and safeguard both users' and freeC's interests, users must strictly adhere to the rules of the freeC website.

  • Free account registration on the website freeC: Users can register for a free account on the freeC website, but they must make sure their information is correct and up to date, and that they abide by all rules in the interactive section of the site. FreeC maintains the right to suspend the account, investigate the situation, and take appropriate action if any violations are discovered.

  • Register for an Auto and Bulk account: According to freeC's sole discretion, accounts that are automatically registered in large numbers are considered to violate and will apply the handling of violations according to the provisions of this TERM OF USE

  • Incorrect operation: Erroneous operation Any misuse of the freeC website that is not related to recruiting or looking for employment possibilities may, in freeC's sole discretion, be regarded as a violation and dealt with in accordance with the terms of this TERM OF USE.

  • Negative influence to other users: When using the freeC website, users need to carefully consider the content displayed on the personal or company profile page or the feedback and interactions with other users. If freeC receives a report of any harmful behavior, including but not limited to the following acts threatening or presenting empty or meaningless content and/or unrelated to the content reasonable interactive content, spamming, using deceptive forms to attract attention or for commercial marketing purposes, etc. adversely affect the use of the service, obstruct the accessibility information to other users, freeC reserves the right to suspend service provision without notice to users who report violations for investigation and handling in accordance with this TERM OF USE

  • Request payment from applicants when they submit their applications. Users who use freeC as job seekers do not pay anything. In accordance with the current Vietnamese law, the employer is not allowed to take any money from the applicant. This legislation must be rigorously followed by users. The applicant may, in some exceptional circumstances, be forced to reimburse the employer or any other third party for any costs of goods or services that must be paid in line with the law. (Such as the expense of going through immigration processes to come and work in another country, the expense of a work permit, the expense of receiving vocational training, etc.) in order to be selected and hired by that Employer. The job posting must contain information regarding these expenses. If freeC receives a complaint or detects any violations, freeC reserves the right to suspend service provision without notice to users who report or detect violations for investigation and action accordingly. set forth in this TERM OF USE. User as Job Seeker if required to pay any money in connection with your application or employment on the user side as Employer, User as job seekers must consider and be careful before deciding to pay. freeC will not be liable for any damage or risk or loss of any kind that a user may incur in making decisions regarding interactions with other users, including in the Apply through or without the freeC website.

Notice of violation: If the user discovers that any other user's behavior is inconsistent with the provisions of this TERM OF USE, the user may notify freeC for review via email support@freec.asia


Personal information is collected from users in in accordance freeC's Privacy Policy.


  • The freeC website complies with all applicable Vietnamese and international laws pertaining to copyright, trademark, and trademark protection for all information, including but not limited to data, text, software, video, pictures, and audio. patents, service marks, or other proprietary rights.

With freeC's previous written authorization, information on the freeC website may occasionally be used by another party. Additionally, the remaining cases will not be permitted to display, change, or utilize in any other manner the data on the freeC website.


If the user violates any of the terms of this TERMS OF USE, or if freeC determines in its sole discretion that termination of the User's use of the Service is necessary for security reasons or for the continuity of the Service, or if freeC determines that the user or the website from the user's organization is not for, freeC may also restrict the use of all or part of the Service at any time and without notice to the user.


Links to other websites or global online resources may be found on the freeC website (www). By using the freeC website, the user understands and agrees that freeC has no control over such websites and resources, that it is not liable for their availability, and that it disclaims all liability for any content, advertising, goods, or other items that may be found there.


  • Exclude or limit any liability of freeC, which applies to freeC website, freeC employees of all levels, contributors or licensors for any incident or damage to any person, organization or any other reason for wrong or illegal conduct.

The user understands and accepts that freeC disclaims all liability for any breaches committed by anyone, regardless of whether they access the freeC website. The only recourse for users who don't agree with this provision is to cease using the freeC website.


  • The Service is provided “as available”, including all information, documents, software, features, and material that can be found on or accessible through the service. For any product or service mentioned above or accessed through the service, or a hypertext link to a third party, or any security breach relating to the transmission of sensitive information through the Service or any linked website, freeC makes no warranties or guarantees, of any kind, with respect to the content of the Service or the materials, information, and functions accessible by the software. freeC expressly and/or impliedly disclaims any implied warranties, including but not limited to those of merchantability, fitness for a specific purpose, and non-infringement.

freeC is not liable for any data files, associated documents, information, content, or any other outcomes resulting from your decision to stop using the service or end this TERMS OF USE.


  • Several links to other websites that we believe you'll find interesting are available on the freeC website. According on the domain name, the keywords used in our on-page search engine, and/or other factors, links are automatically listed. Please get in touch with us if there are any issues with any of the content on this website. We'll do our best to find a solution.

  • The external websites that are linked to the freeC website are not under freeC's control or endorsement. By using the freeC website, the user acknowledges that freeC is not liable for the accessibility of the content or information presented on external websites or for any links therein.

  • The freeC website is made available “as is”. freeC makes no guarantees on the continuity or error-free operation of the website's features. Without giving the user prior warning, freeC retains the right to halt the freeC website for maintenance, repairs, or other technical reasons.

  • freeC does not guarantee that the freeC website will function fully or in part on any specific hardware or software, nor does freeC guarantee that the freeC website is free of viruses or other potentially harmful elements negative impact the user's use of the freeC website.

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